Tuesday, June 4, 2013

How to screw up brownies

Another one of those days....tijya in the kitchen. I had decided to make black bean brownies. My first attempt (a while ago) was a failure. My blender couldn't hack it. I decided to try again. I used this recipe as my base, but I wanted to substitute the eggs. I opted for applesauce. I mixed up the ingredients and threw it into a pan.

And you would think that considering these are black bean brownies I would make sure to add two key ingredients. One being beans. I did so (yay for one victory!). The other being some kind of chocolate to make them *brownies*. Well, I sort of skipped this.

I only realized my error once they had been in the oven for twenty minutes. I had hopes that I would call them black bean bars and that they would be delicious. But when I took them out, they were bubbling in a non-dessert kind of way. So I figured that this was not a yummy mistake, but a tijya-in-the-kitchen story.

I have decided that it's not a three-strikes-you're-out with these brownies. I'm done. I quit. Since when are brownies supposed to be healthy anyway?