Saturday, January 5, 2013

Veggie Stuffed Peppers

Not only do I acknowledge that I am an imperfect vegetarian, I am also an imperfect knitter (what's that hole??), and imperfect house-wife (ha, I cook one day per week and the husband does his own laundry) and an imperfect recipe maker (which you are about to learn).

Tonight we had my version of the Stuffed Peppers found here.

2 bell peppers
Onion (I didn't measure)
Garlic (use amount according to preference)
3 ish mushrooms
1/4 cup of rice
1 cup of water (and then some, I had to keep adding more but I stopped measuring. I'm annoying that way)
Spaghetti Sauce (enough to make your sauce thick)
1/2 cup of cottage cheese
1/3 cup of shredded cheese

1. Bring a large pot of water to boil. Cut the tops off the peppers and remove the seeds. Boil the peppers for five minutes. Drain and set aside.
2. Chop up the amounts of desired veggies and saute your concoction for a few minutes.
3. Add the rice and water. Cover and simmer until the rice is mostly cooked. This is where you will need to keep adding water. The rice needs it in order to cook. It should look kind of soupy until it's almost ready.
4. Add the spaghetti sauce and simmer some more.
5. Pour half of the sauce mixture into your two waiting peppers. Then add the cottage cheese on top, pour the remaining sauce, and then add the shredded cheese. You may end up with overflowing peppers, but I like them that way.
6. Place in a pre-heated oven of 350 degrees F. Bake covered for at least 10-15 minutes, or until heated through with yummy bubbly cheese.
7. Eat and enjoy!


  1. You have inspired me. This will be my veggie meal for the week. Ian, however, is insisting that I add bits of ham to his.

  2. This is one of the easy things to do veggie and non-veggie. Shaun does ground beef in his. He also skips the cottage cheese part...which is my favourite because it makes if more like lasagna. Yum.
