A while ago I purchased 100% Pure foundation powder from Raindance Cosmetics. I put off using it because I'm adverse to change and had been using Almay's Smart Shade pressed powder. I was satisfied with how it worked but decided to change over to a company that is cruelty-free. Almay was once upon a time but have made concessions to be able to sell their products in China. Anyway, that's not the point of this post. (Can you tell that I'm still bitter about having to change over all of my cosmetics?)
I wasn't sure about the shade of the 100% Pure powder. It doesn't match Almay's. I wasn't really expecting it to, but I was worried that I would like orange or something. Thankfully, that didn't happen. The 100% Pure goes on sheer. The powder is a bit looser and it doesn't blend quite as well. However, it's not awful and I can live with doing a few extra brush strokes.
The main downside is the price. Almay's is 14.99 (on well.ca) and the 100% Pure is $33 on Raindance Cosmetics. Yikes. My ethical views support the change and (at the moment) my wallet can handle it.
Almay's Smart Shade comes with it's own brush. 100% Pure did not. The thing with cosmetic brushes is that some (many?) are made with animal hair. It could be horse/pony, goat, squirrel, etc. I have no interest in being that close and personal with a squirrel (or any animal really) so I wanted to buy a set that is cruelty-free and vegan.
I bought a set from EcoTools that I found at target. I love them. They are *so* soft. And they are kind of pretty. The bristles are synthetic and the rest is made from bamboo and recycled aluminum.
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